Monday, July 30, 2012

Steamcon 2012


Beginning our second year, Steamcon had a different theme, some aspect of steampunk that we choose to highlight. We work to get appropriate guests, speakers and musicians to further enhance the theme. This year's theme: Victorian Monsters is especially evocative of dark London streets and all the chills they hold. Since the Victorian era gave birth to so many of our classic horror monsters, it seemed a fitting theme to explore. Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the Invisible Man, Jack the Ripper and many more were in their heyday. Given the right steampunk touches, these classic monster tales will live again at Steamcon IV. In order to get you in the mood, we offer some inspiration you to your monstrous best.

Van Helsing: While the movie is entirely too cheesy, the concept is good with a plethora of fabulous monsters and the fantastic weaponry is truly steampunk.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Another movie that chewed far too much scenery but contained new twists on old monsters. We suggest that you go and read the graphic novel, which is far superior.
Captain Swing and The Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island: This graphic novel is Warren Ellis' take on Spring Heeled Jack.

Lady Mechanika: Joe Benitez' sexy paranormal investigator. The art is just sumptuous.

Steampunk Frankenstein's Monster makeup by PepeFx: This look is pretty much perfect.

For more information visit the steamcon website!

See you there!